
Our traditional yearly picture with my folks in Carmel, by the fire
of a favorite coffee shop. This is the latest, taken in November 2014.
Bethany learning to drive the mower while our two horses, Dream
and Baylie, hang around and watch.

The science shelf we built for our homeschool
classroom, to hold some of the fossils we've found
or bought. The evidence for Genesis as a literal
account of Creation is everywhere!

Mary Ann and me cooking with the girls at a Dutch Oven cooking
fundraiser for a local museum. I love to cook outdoors! If it is in
cast iron, over an open fire, or outdoors it is just going to taste better!

Mary Ann and Abigail picking plums, country style.

The inside of the church I pastor.

The outside of True Life Christian Fellowship where I pastor.

The view from our church door.
Learning to fly fish above Shaver Lake.
Discing with my tractor on our lower property.

The view looking south from our plum tree at our home.

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